Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have time!

So far, I've had LOTS of time to get on the computer. I don't know how long this will last, but I figured I'd take advantage of it while I could.

...Oh, wait. I have nothing to update. No Wizard101, remember?


Um, well... I added a poll. I want to know if you guys think I should put The Tale of Sierra WinterBreeze on My friend Wolf DeathBringer (he has an account: Ghost-Cow-Goes-Moo) was the first to suggest it, but I just brushed it off at first - at that time, I was still new to the website, and I thought that I had it already on both and Wizard101 Central, so that should be enough. THEN Destiny SeaGem on the Duo of Death and Wizards United (I don't know which one she posts on more often... I only knew she had Duo of Death) told me to do it, too, since she has a account (WritingBookworm). She has her wonderful fanfiction The Necromancer's Matter; I still need to finish reading it, but I know I really enjoyed what I did get to. Anyway... yeah. So now I'm considering it. What do you think?


  1. I'm personally all for it. I put my story on ff a while ago and I seem to get more feedback on there than I do on my blog and stuff. And I use it more often than I thought I would - not so much in the writing (I tend to get ideas, start writing, and realize they're actually a bit rubbish) but in reading and reviewing... I'm a bit of a fanfiction freak, I guess. But I'll leave it up to you to choose. :)

  2. *gasps* Your story is on I'll go read and review and favorite it, then! (Eventually... when I have more time. XD)

    Okay... twelve people have said I should put it on there. Maybe I will...

  3. YES! It worked!!! I finally got our Wii hooked up to Wifi! Ok, our brawl code is 0390-0772-0949. And I'm getting better but please go easy on me! ;)
